Gates open 11.30am
........"Space Time: The Future is Wysing Arts Centre’s fifth annual festival of art and music. For the first time the festival will focus primarily on women in experimental and electronic music and art, or bands fronted by women. It will include twelve hours of live music, performance and screenings across three indoor stages alongside a covered stalls area, presenting artists’ editions, music merchandise and publications"..........
With live music and performance from
Ana da Silva and Gina Birch (The Raincoats) / Ashley Paul / Hannah Sawtell / Helena Hauff / Holly Herndon / Holly Rumble / Jenny Moore / Karen Gwyer / Lucy Railton / Lucy Woodhouse / Manuela Barczewski / Nik Colk Void / part wild horses mane on both sides / Peepholes / Ravioli Me Away / Seeds and Bones / Silver Fox / Sue Tompkins / The Fucks / Trash Kit / WE / Woolf / Yola Fatoush